

It's not you, it's the training method

Many people don't realize that the reason they're not growing is because they haven't had the right training.
as their own problem, and they end up drifting further and further away from their dreams and fading into obscurity.
It's never your problem.
I've been traveling overseas for the past 15 years to provide the best vocal coaching available.
As a vocal coach who has been traveling abroad for the past 15 years to study the latest voice science and vocal coaching training methods, I can confidently say this.The problem is the training methods you know.


Develop Singer’s Brain.

Design training based on the mechanisms by which the human brain learns vocalization. The brain cannot effectively learn vocalization from theoretical descriptions of vocalization, descriptions such as "sound like this", and coaching methods based on abstract or direct instructions and metaphors, which can seriously impede learning.
In contrast, when a coach designs effective exercises to elicit the specific sounds targeted in the drill and guides the singer to perform them correctly, the brain learns to integrate the multiple senses the singer is experiencing while producing the sound and organize the correct phonatory movement through a process of anticipation, planning, execution, and modification.In fact, with the guidance of a vocal coach, the physical and acoustic sensory information that the student feels while producing the correct sound is fed back to the brain, which then "reverse engineers" the sensory information, i.e., analyzes the sensations felt by the body into what muscles are being used and coordinated to produce the movement, and the brain's ability to organize the movement gradually builds the neural network required for singing.

  • 01. Get Senses

    Your brain gathers sensory input, particularly from the somatosensory system and the auditory system.

  • 02. Combine senses

    It combines these sensory inputs to form a unified perception of your body’s position and the sounds you hear.

  • 03. Translate it as vocal action

    The brain then translates this unified sensory feedback into vocal actions, which involves formulating a motor plan. The motor plan is calculated with the help of an “inverse model,” working like a mental blueprint.

  • 04. Intiate vocal movement

    our brain sends signals to the vocal muscles, instructing them on how to move precisely to produce the desired vocalizations.

  • 05. Adjustments for Next Attempt

    Your brain evaluates the feedback from the current attempt and compares it with a “feedforward model.” This feedforward model represents the expected outcome. The brain then makes adjustments for the next attempt based on this comparison.

  • 06. Learning and Improving

    With each practice and vocal exercise, the brain continues to refine its motor plans. It learns from experience and adapts based on sensory feedback and the feedforward model, progressively improving your vocal abilities over time.


Develop Vocal Technique

For a singer, the voice is an instrument of expression

Even if a singer has great sensitivity and a unique artistic intention, if they don't know how to use their vocalization system (breath, vocal cords, resonance), the tool that embodies them in the form of a song, they will never be able to fully convey to their audience the emotions they want to express through singing.
Ultimately, the end goal of vocal training is to reach a state where the skills required for singing become completely automated and unconscious, allowing the singer to focus his or her mental energy and intention solely on expression, not vocalization.The myriad of technical elements such as pitch, power, endurance, flexibility, agility, and dynamics are simply natural byproducts of the process of reaching the end goal.We provide vocal technique training with the goal that correct vocalization will become internalized so that the singer has full control over their voice and can manipulate it to their artistic intent.

2-1Vocal Cords Coordination.

By eliminating unnecessary tension and habits and improving the control, strength, endurance, agility, and flexibility of the internal laryngeal muscles and their interaction with the external laryngeal muscles, it is possible to sing as one voice from low to high notes without throat fatigue or strain.This stage is not just about training the vocal folds, but also about training the breathing and resonance systems, which are also integrated within Excerize, and achieving balanced coordination within all vocal systems.

2-2Acoustic Energy Stratagy.

Along with vocal control training, it is a very important training element for phrase transition, resonance, power, timbre, vocal efficiency, and voice fatigue, and it is not just a technical aspect of vocalization, but also a training that must be combined for the specific vocal style required in each music genre, a concept commonly referred to as "Formant and Harmonics".


Develop Your Sound

Design training based on the mechanisms by which the human brain learns vocalization. The brain cannot effectively learn vocalization from theoretical descriptions of vocalization, descriptions such as "sound like this", and coaching methods based on abstract or direct instructions and metaphors, which can seriously impede learning.

In contrast, when a coach designs effective exercises to elicit the specific sounds targeted in the drill and guides the singer to perform them correctly, the brain learns to integrate the multiple senses the singer is experiencing while producing the sound and organize the correct phonatory movement through a process of anticipation, planning, execution, and modification.

In fact, with the guidance of a vocal coach, the physical and acoustic sensory information that the student feels while producing the correct sound is fed back to the brain, which then "reverse engineers" the sensory information, i.e., analyzes the sensations felt by the body into what muscles are being used and coordinated to produce the movement, and the brain's ability to organize the movement gradually builds the neural network required for singing.

Sing Your Way

The real purpose of vocal training, and the end point of the training, is freedom of expression, style, and singing your way.By applying the vocal control acquired through vocal technique training, the training is designed so that singers can take the initiative to apply specific vocal styles and expressions to their singing. Unlike the vocal training stage, the process is structured so that singers can express themselves through the context of the song and their own experiences, rather than simply imitating the coach's demonstration,As part of the process of building a bridge between vocalization and style, we also propose training to experience different sonic options through the adjustment of the sung cavity (resonance cavity) and overtones, which are influential in determining our timbre or voice character.


21Century Vocal Training


   In the United States, the leading vocal training country, modern vocal coaching techniques were established over 30 years ago by Seth Riggs' SLS, which is now the standard for vocal training in vocal training centers around the world.

However, with the development of practical voice science around the 2000s, vocal coaches with excellent teaching skills and voice scientists began to collaborate to propose a higher-level vocal training method that combines proven vocal coaching techniques with the latest voice science.

It has been proven effective enough to be used in the training and care of professional singers in Hollywood and TV talent show contestants, and it is not just a technique or correction, but a training plan from A to Z required for the development of a singer from a non-singer to a singer, voice rehabilitation, and training plan required for the needs, genre, purpose, and style of the singer.

  1. Vocology InPractice

    Development of voice and musical ability adapted to music


    Increased voice volume based on phonetics

  3. SpeechLevel Singing

    Expansion of sound range

  • Joe’s Expertise and Experience.

    JOE has been consistently studying and teaching the Mixed Voice Method for over 15 years, the only one in Korea.
    In addition to the SLS and ViP methods, he has also studied the Singing Success and BAST (the first certified coach in Korea) training methods, which are based on Mixed Voice training, and was especially recognized by Brett Menning, the creator of the Singing Sex Method, who said that "JOE's understanding of Mixed Voice has been a deep inspiration to him and his coaches".
    Currently, he is the first and only certified member of PAVA Pan American Vocology Association in Korea and has built a unique know-how to solve vocalization/vocalization problems in various cases based on the knowledge acquired during his studies in vocal pedagogy, laryngeal anatomy, acoustics, neuroscience, and vocal rehabilitation, as well as his long coaching experience.
    Inpractice, Joe's training know-how has produced remarkable results not only for singers and professional singers, but also for voice rehabilitation training for people with voice disorders. Core Value of Joe's Method.

    Seeing with Ears, Empathize with Body.

    A highly trained vocal coach has the ability to listen with the ears and detect voice problems that are not easy to observe with the eyes or measure with voice analysis programs.
    They can hear and detect problems in the voice that are not easy to observe with the eye or measure with a voice analysis program, and they can also recognize the physical sensations that the singer feels during vocalization.
    Vocal training is all about understanding what information the sensations a singer feels and what they mean, and designing an accurate diagnosis and appropriate training based on knowledge and experience, and JOE has a very deep understanding of what sensations a singer needs to be exposed to repeatedly during lessons, how to interpret those sensations to the singer, and how to elicit those sensations.

    Develop Vocal Affordance.

    The role of the vocal coach is to help the singer develop, through training, not only the physical abilities required for singing, but also the vocal affordance that allows the singer to perceive and decide how to apply the learned vocalizations to singing and with what intention.
    This requires a different strategy and specific method of training: instead of just training the visible vocal problems and physical elements, we provide lessons that develop the cognitive-strategic skills that allow the singer to adjust their voice and use various vocal techniques creatively according to the artistic expression and intention required by the song.
    This is a training strategy that is highly effective in the Wicked Learning Environment of singing with its many variables, as well as in the long term, and is one of the things that most differentiates JOE's method from other training methods.

    Affordance: The connection between what a human feels and perceives and a specific behavior.

  • Vocology In Practice

    'Vocology' was coined by voice scientist Ingo Titze and otolaryngologist George Gates and means "the science and practice of voice training".
    In fact, it is a new vocal training concept that integrates young disciplines such as medicine, voice science, vocal pedagogy, voice rehabilitation, and vocal coaching, and refers not only to voice rehabilitation, therapy, and vocal training, but also to the process of training the voice for specific purposes and needs, and furthermore to the process of preparing the singer for each vocal ability required by the singing method.
    ViP (Vocology In Practice) is a network of vocal coaches and voice professionals with practical and effective coaching skills based on Vocology, working and studying together for better vocal education. It is a method of providing vocal coaching that combines the coaching techniques of the SLS method with new training and theories based on the latest voice science.
    The method has been used to train pop stars such as Charlie Puth, Rizzo, Pharrell Williams, Anderson Paak, Jennifer Hudson, Dave Matthews, Rihanna, Cali Clarkson, Justin Timberlake, Fantatonix, One Direction, Justin Bieber, Cee Lo Green, James Ingram, and many others.

    Core Value of ViP.

    Training inherits the SLS method and adds new effects and approaches from the latest voice science to create a highly practical and more logical vocal coaching method.
    By applying the existing training methods, we not only provide vocal training suitable for various musical needs and each vocal style.
    Collaborating with voice & music professionals in various fields (voice specialists, voice scientists, composers, producers, music industry personnel, voice therapists, etc.
    Based on the seven principles of Artistry, Anatomy & Health, Musicianship, Voice Science, Body & mind, Vocal Pedagogy, and professional Development, vocal coaches are equipped with high standards and competencies to support singers from various angles.

    Integrate Theory and Practical Application.

    A very important point in a vocal training method is not only "Is it based on scientific knowledge?", but also whether the coaching method applied in practice fully captures the scientific theory claimed by the method as a practical technique.
    Because it doesn't matter how good and well-organized the theory is, if you can't translate it into a practical training method, it won't be effective vocal coaching.
    ViP is a collaboration between voice experts, voice scientists, and experienced vocal coaches who research and collaborate together to create a training method that matches theory and practice.

    Integrate Technique and Artistry.

    We understand the importance of technical perfection and artistry in singing, and provide vocal training that fuses the two.
    The first objective of vocal training is to keep a singer's voice healthy, but personality and artistry are also very important in popular music, along with a certain level of vocal ability.
    Therefore, in addition to our ability to coach correct vocalization, we also have a deep understanding of the muscular and acoustic aspects of the larynx (resonance and overtones) to help singers achieve a particular expression or vocal style without putting too much strain on the throat, and we design our vocal training based on the latest scientific knowledge in many other areas.

  • Speech Level Singing

    Developed by Seth Riggs, this vocal training method was almost the first modern vocal coaching technique for popular music singers and is now the "standard of vocal training" in vocal training centers around the world. in vocal training centers around the world.
    It has been used in the vocal training of over 120 Grammy Award winners, New York Metropolitan Opera audition winners, and countless Broadway musicals, as well as pop stars such as Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Usher, Madonna, James Ingram, Michael Bolton, Natalie Cole, Tamia, Prince, Boys 2 Men, Linkin Park, Luther Vanderos, and many more, In collaboration with Laryngologists such as Henry Rubin, Hans von Leden and Edward Kantor, it has been used to rehabilitate the voice of professional singers who have undergone vocal surgery or treatment, most notably by Stevie Wonder, who successfully used the method to rehabilitate his voice after vocal surgery.
    It is said that no discussion of contemporary commercial music vocal pedagogy is complete without mentioning the contribution and influence that Seth Riggs and the SLS method have had on modern vocal training.
    In fact, the SLS method is now widely used in the vocal training of professional singers in Hollywood,Broadway, the United Kingdom, Japan, and elsewhere.

    Core Value of Speech Level Singing.

    Vocal training is as much about the individual coach's ability to provide direct coaching in lessons as it is about the method, and it takes years of coaching training as well as in-depth study of aural training, training design methods, and voice science to properly understand and communicate the core values of SLS.
    Even though there are many effective excerpts that reflexively elicit the right sound, the effectiveness of the lesson can vary greatly depending on the understanding and creativity of the vocal coach's method, so even after qualifying for SLS, it is a method that requires many years of formal training in voice analysis, excerpt design and application under the guidance of a master coach to properly coach.The core values of the SLS method can be summarized in two main ways.

    Sing easily and freely like natural speech.

    This means singing without the use of unnecessary muscles and tension as when using a healthy conversational voice, and under these conditions, the vocalization system (breathing, vocal cords, resonance) is used more actively than when speaking normally to fulfill the purpose of singing.
    This does not mean that you should use only the energy you expend when speaking or singing, but rather that you should be in an efficient state of vocalization that produces the maximum sound value with the least amount of breathing and muscle energy, which is important in the field of voice therapy.

    Sing with a speech-like tone.

    It is the ability to sing in a unique and consistent tone, such as a conversational voice, from low to high, and, as above, it means that improper laryngeal muscle use and control are not used in the process of producing this kind of vocalization.
    This is an idealized state of vocalization and requires a variety of tonal variations, anomalous techniques, and applied expression. It is a process of building a strong foundation to ensure that problems with your voice do not limit the nuances you wish to express or increase your risk of vocal disease.

    *The SLS method uses a light voice and a specific tone of voice, which are also used temporarily or for a period of time during training, but they are not the end result of the SLS method, and the mixed voice used for singing is a sound of a completely different nature from the sound called semi-falsetto.

